Our products
  • Easy integration with existing web applications and portal solutions, including .NET, JS, Python, Golang, PHP, Sharepoint, etc.
  • Web based design, administration and analytics
  • Suitable for multi-use, central administration and web farm environment
  • 100% thin client for design and administration
  • Designed to work with web services and be accessed as web services
  • Allow multi-instancing on the same server
  • Feature single sign-on and access control via integration with Arnica UnifiedLogon, Microsoft ActiveDirectory, and other directories
Identity Management Content Integration Web Report Web Forms Mass Mailing File Web Access Managed Links Forums and Content


HTML Reports, Graphs, Analytics

Access and present your data with interactive HTML reports. WebReport connects to virtually any data source and gives you powerful analytics and data visualization with interactive charts and graphs.
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SSO, Authentication, User Profile Management

Scalable identity management system, which provides access control, personalization and configuration services, and allows you to implement single sign-on for access to multiple applications, as well as efficient control of granular user access to applications, application resources and functionalities, all managed though a web browser.
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Content integration and personalization

Integration tool for creating and presenting personalized web pages that display content from different sources and applications, including reports, forms, content generated by dynamic web services or provided by static pages, output from standalone content management systems, data derived from database sources, etc. Fast middle-tier-based content processing engine provides an excellent platform for building Intranets, Extranets, or public websites.
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Interactive web forms

Design web forms with various workflow scenarios. Web forms would typically display, create or update records maintained in databases, files, XML repositories, or provided via web requests. Create forms in minutes from any computer using browser only, generate a link on the fly and deliver it to users for execution or integrate it with corporate Intranet or public Internet sites.
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Customized link presentation

Create and present sets of links customized through authentication, authorization, conditional display, randomized display from a pool of available links, display and click quota, rotating links, links with special presentation features, server-side processing of click event, detailed click statistics reporting, etc.
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Access to files and folders

Implement web-based access to files and folders, allowing users to view and download files, and perform other general operations with files and folders, such as: delete, rename, copy, move, upload and email.
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Email queue management

Automate both mass-emailing and single email processing tasks. Perform either scheduled or on-demand download of incoming emails for multiple accounts and store them in easy-to-access database tables through specially created database APIs.
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Content management

Present and manage rich-text-formatted articles (messages) published in a hierarchical structure (categories - topics - messages) and exposed to end users in administrator-controlled forum-like format. Create discussion forums, knowledge-base systems, support incident management systems, content management systems, and other solutions.
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REST APIs, web-based scripting

Create web APIs using different programming languages or right from SQL code. Use containership model with multiple code blocks as a unit in deployment, access control, and activity tracking. With real-time detailed tracing, troubleshoot and get instant insight of what is happening on the server side - query results, dependencies, internal processing steps.
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Convert HTML to PDF

Server-side component for converting HTML files to PDF format via high-level web services API.
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