Arnica NanoProxy web log data items

April 10, 2022 by Igor Lozhkin
Arnica NanoProxy saves request logs in csv file with standardized data structure as documented below. File has a fixed set of fields with first line representing column headers. 

String values are enclosed in double-quotes. Double-quotes which are part of the content are escaped as two sequential double quotes. 

Numeric, date/time, Boolean values are not enclosed in double quotes.

Values are separated by commas.

Below are the fields included in the log:

start_date - request start date and time (UTC). For example: 2022-03-17T05:23:11.480365
proxy_result - specifies whether access to resource is granted, denied, or resulted in error
proxy_type - the subsystem, used to process the request - worker, file, etc.
proxy_message - any additional message from the susbsystem, which processed the request
method - HTTP method - GET, POST, ect.
server_addr - IP address used to process the request
server_port - IP port used to process the request
remote_addr - IP address of the client, from which the request has been sent
remote_port - IP port of the client, from which the request has been sent
real_addr - IP address of the most remote (original) client, from which the request has been sent
real_port,uri - IP port of the most remote (original) client, from which the request has been sent
remote_user - user name associated with the basic authentication session
referer - HTTP referrer
user_agent - user agent string of the client
forwarded - forwarded HTTP header
instance_id - request instance numeric identifier, unique within the NanoProxy process lifecycle, before restart
instance_guid - request instance globally unique identifier, unique across NanoProxy processes 
proto - HTTP protocol status string. For example HTTP/1.1
status - HTTP status. For example 200
bytes_received - number of bytes received
bytes_sent - number of bytes sent with the response
time_taken - time taken to process the request, in seconds. For example, 0.230146